Dr. Philips O. Agboola, PhD

Dr. Philips O. Agboola, PhD


Dr. Philips Olaleye Agboola, PhD, an erudite scholar, industrialist and investor of repute, is an Associate Professor in the prestigious King Saud University’s Mechanical Engineering Department, College of Applied Engineering, Muzahimiyah Branch, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

He obtained all his degrees in Mechanical Engineering (B.Tech Hons, MSc, PhD). His work experience is hands-on and spans over the industry and academics. He started his engineering career in the Nigerian oil and gas industry with Telsy Energy/Extramarine & Oil Services Limited Lagos, where he supervised projects involving the Nigerian government and foreign partners. Thereafter, he went to Cyprus for his graduate studies and there worked as an Adjunct Professor at the Eastern Mediterranean University, Cyprus. Currently, Dr Agboola is as an Associate Professor at the King Saud University.

His research interest is in thermal fluid systems with particular focus on – Desalination, Renewable Energy: Solar application, Solar heating & cooling, Nano-functional materials, Bio-fuel (1st & 2nd generation ethanol production), Demand-side management, ABET & engineering education, Water resource & management, Stress corrosion cracking (Circumferential Notch Test Approach), and Energy Economics.

Dr Agboola, a scholar per excellence, has written several international research journals which is having tremendous knowledge impact on the engineering industry and academia. He is a member of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), International Association of Engineers (IAENG) and Association of Energy Engineer (AEE).

He sits on the board of many companies including Engineering, Agriculture and Real Estates and he is on our board of directors with his wealth of experience on Engineering and Innovation.